Oxford House Recovery Homes

oxford house recovery

Additionally, the democratic decision-making process allows residents to address any safety concerns collectively and implement appropriate measures to ensure a secure and supportive living environment. The Oxford House Model provides community based, supportive, and sober living environment. Oxford House At AAC, we offer trained and compassionate admissions navigators that can help answer questions about treatment and recovery. Plus, some of our treatment facilities—such as the Desert Hope Treatment Center in Las Vegas and Greenhouse Treatment Center near Dallas/Fort Worth—include sober living environments.

oxford house recovery


Oxford Houses are self-run, democratic sober living homes for individuals recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. Established in 1975, these homes aim to provide a oxford house recovery safe and supportive environment where residents can work together to maintain their sobriety and transition back into the community. Oxford Houses of Texas, established in 1990, is a state-wide network of addiction recovery homes chartered by Oxford House, Inc., the 501c3 umbrella corporation.

Self-run, Self-supporting Addiction Recovery Homes

oxford house recovery

The easiest way to find an Oxford House is to use our vacancy locator at oxfordvacancies.com. Once you find a house that has a vacancy, you can call the contact person to set up an interview. Alternatively, you can apply online and your information will be sent to all of the Oxford Houses in your area that have an opening. View and download the latest House and Chapter Manuals, along with other forms used to conduct weekly house meetings.

Oxford Houses: A Comprehensive Guide to Sober Living Homes for Recovery

The national scope of Oxford House and its long history makes it the only recovery house system that has been the subject of so much independent research. You can stay as long as you like, provided you don’t use drugs and alcohol, are not disruptive, and pay your share of house expenses. An Oxford House member can stay as long as they like, provided they stay drug and alcohol free, are not disruptive, and pay their share of house expenses. For a couple of months in 1975, he found himself living on the streets and begging strangers for money before he entered a rehabilitation program.

Housing crisis ‘robbing children’s childhoods’

oxford house recovery

There are many ways to give, including financial and house furnishings. If you are not selected, you should try another house that has an opening. It is not unusual that an individual who gets rejected at one house applies at another house with an opening and gets accepted. If a house votes to accept you, you can tell them whether or not you accept the invitation to move in.

Resident Training

oxford house recovery

We specialize in working closely with each individual house to ensure it’s success. We collaborate with our community partners to provide furniture donations, guidance and technical support on an on-going basis. The number of residents in a house may range from six to fifteen; there are houses for men, houses for women, and houses which accept women with children. Oxford Houses flourish in metropolitan areas such as New York City and Washington D.C. And thrive in such diverse communities as Hawaii, Washington State, Canada and Australia; but they all abide by the basic criteria.

oxford house recovery

Oxford House Rules

Any member who drinks alcohol or uses drugs will be immediately expelled. The free community event exploring Sikh cultural heritage starts from the Ashmolean Museum on 19 February. “We know this won’t be enough to meet need but as the only council in Oxfordshire building new council homes, we know every single one can make a life-changing difference.” Oxford House has enabled peer-run, self-sustaining, and substance-free housing since 1975.

Is there a support network available for Oxford House residents to help with sober living goals?

While Oxford House, Inc. has the sole authority to grant Oxford House charters, the World Council acts as an advisory council to the board. With passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, expansion of Oxford Houses exploded. During the early 1990s dozens of communities sought to close Oxford Houses located in good neighborhoods because local zoning ordinances restricted the number of unrelated individuals that could live together in a single-family home.

Democratically self-run

  • To learn more about different types of recovery housing and their accreditation, you can visit the National Association of Recovery Residences (NARR) website.
  • The national scope of Oxford House and its long history makes it the only recovery house system that has been the subject of so much independent research.
  • When you call a house to set up an interview you can ask them how much their EES is.
  • “But this is the reality for so many in Oxford, exacerbated by the rising cost of living and lack of social housing in the area.

Each Oxford House operates democratically, pays its own bills, and expels any member who returns to drinking alcohol or using drugs. Large houses are rented and located in nice neighborhoods giving anywhere from 6 to 15 same-gender individuals a safe, supportive place to call home. The success of Oxford House is well documented and has resulted in the inclusion of the Oxford House Model into the SAMSHA National Registry of Evidence Based Programs and Practices (NREPP).

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